The ActivoMed treadmill can act as additional training session and support health, fitness and satisfaction of your horse. The horse can start working gently, without a rider. In general, the muscles can be strengthened, the condition can be build-up and balance and rhythm can be fostered.
Our treadmills result from the long-lasting cooperation with experts and vets and therefor they're better than other models on the market. Treadmills are used for sport horses to improve strengths and condition but also to train on young horses as well as to support the rehabilitation of recovering horses – all-rounders!
If using the treadmill continuously, the start off and the extension/ground cover can be improved. Muscles, tendons, bones and gristles can be building up and the fascia can be strengthened due to the minimally moving, gripped band. Treadmills offer an optimal possibility to consequently implement training schedules – without any excuses.
Please contact us for more information and personal consultations and offers.